With Valentine's day being sandwiched between two other celebrations (Chinese New Year and Grace's birthday), it often gets neglected. This year was no exception. We did manage to find some time to make a yummy batch of jammy heart cookies, read several love-themed stories and make heart shaped crayons for Grace's classmates - but that's about it. Rather lacking wouldn't you say?
Anyway, since we had half the dough left in the fridge from the Valentine cookies (recipe here), I made a batch of star themed cookies before Grace got home from school this afternoon. She was quite the rockstar at the dentist today, so the stars seemed quite fitting. And there's nothing like a fresh batch of cookies to cheer up a crabby girl.
And in gardening news, Grace picked the first strawberry season from our little patch. This means we'll soon be heading out to the farm for strawberry picking. We're almost out of our homemade jam (that's what we used to fill our jammy cookies), so the timing is perfect. Red stained fingers here we come.
Hopefully you encountered a bit of red this week - belated Valentine wishes to you!
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